As the weather turns Toddler Groups are moving inside!
Our weekly Toddler Groups for children ages 12-36 months and their caregivers are an ideal way to stimulate social skills and brain development through age-appropriate, play-based learning experiences. Groups are free and registration is not required, so please join us! New Locations:
North Bend/Snoqualmie Tuesdays: 9:00-10:30 am Beginning November 1, we will meet at the Youth Activities Center - 1450 Boalch Ave NE, North Bend
Carnation Fridays: 9:00-10:30 am Due to staff training and then the Veteran's Day public holiday, our Carnation Toddler Groups will not meet on Friday, November 4, or Friday, November 11. Groups will resume on Friday, November 18 at an indoor location yet to be confirmed. Please check our website for details.